Selected Projects

Docker-ized Microservices Application

A microservices app for listening and managing music access with multiple languages and databases

Tech Stacks: Java, PHP, TypeScript, Docker, SOAP, Spring, Express, React

End-to-end Web Scrapper and Public API

Automatic data scraper tool from public website and serve the result on public API

Tech Stacks: Java, MySQL, TypeScripts, Spring, Express, Puppeteer

Auto Infrastructure Creation as Code for Autoscaling Nginx AWS ECS Cluster and Load Balancer

Automatically create and configure server infrastructure in AWS ECS Cluster containing auto-scaled services

Tech Stacks: Terraform

Machine Learning Feed Forward Neural Network Implementation and Visualizer

Implementation of Feed Forward Neural Network modeling library from scratch and model visualization

Tech Stacks: Python, Numpy, Matplotlib

a collaboration platform with dozens of real time collaboration app using websocket as games and ice breaking tools, such as real time polling, wheel of names, puzzle solving, and a lot more

Tech Stacks: NextJS, NoSQL, Bootstrap 5, dotNET