My casual photo
a determined software engineering student with a solid desire to learn and grow


University: Bandung Institute of Technology
Major: Computer Science
Year: 2020 - present
CGPA: 3.98 / 4.00
  • Selected as the most outstanding student, representing STEI faculty ITB, and BI merit scholarship awardee
  • Led curriculum team of Google Developer Student Club ITB, managing material for 600+ members across Indonesia
  • Became teaching assistant for various programming courses and programming laboratory assistant coordinator


Languages: Java, C#, C++, C, Go, Ruby, TypeScript, PHP, Python, SQL, JavaScript, Shell
Back-end Tools: Docker, Spring, Ruby on Rails, Echo, Express, Node JS, Django, Flask
Front-end Tools: React JS, Vue JS, Next JS, Svelte, Sass, Bootstrap, Tailwind
Other Tools: Git, MySQL, GraphQL, PostgreSQL, Firebase, MongoDB, SonarQube, Azure Cloud, GCP, AWS
Skills: Back-end Engineer, Machine Learning Engineer, Dev Ops, SDET, Data Engineer, Front-end Engineer
Operating Systems: Ubuntu (Linux), WSL, Windows

Working Experience

Title: Software Engineer - Part Time (Remote)
Company: IT-Bauschmiede
Type: Part Time
Duration: January 2024 - Now
  • Develop remotely a management app for a German-based solar cell and heat pump provider company
  • Build an automation app, streamlining thousands of installation systems, outputting more than 31,000 MWh
  • Automate e2e testing steps on generating customer data, reducing more than 40% QA time
Title: Software Engineer Intern
Company: Grab - OVO
Type: Internship
Duration: August 2023 - December 2023
  • Assigned to the acquired OVO - digital payment service, on reward and promo services team
  • Migrated several services' deployment from VM cloud to Kubernetes with zero downtime, reducing cloud cost
  • Rewrite codes into dependency-injection, increasing coverage from 24% to 89%, and fixed urgent memory leak
  • Refactored Golang services and modernized CI/CD pipeline using Tekton, increasing DORA metrics visibility
Title: Software Engineer Intern
Company: OCBC NISP Bank
Type: Internship
Duration: December 2022 - March 2023
  • Led a team to develop an internal app for managing position succession planning using Go, Gin, & PostgreSQL
  • Handled bank-wide 5K+ employee data, integrated with internal systems and modified Role-Based Access Control
  • Reduced server response time of bulk data processing from 5 minutes to 2 seconds using Go Routine & Redis
Title: Fullstack Engineer Intern
Company: Payable
Type: Internship
Duration: December 2022 - March 2023
  • Joined a financial startup with a GTV of 20+ billion IDR per month, providing 1 channel for secure money transfers
  • Developed payment validation automation with zero false positive payments using Cron Job GCP and Go Routine
  • Engineered shipping integration with 7 providers, enabling graceful cancellation on failure using Go & MySQL
Title: Backend Engineer Intern
Company: Advotics
Type: Internship
Duration: Mar 2022 - June 2022 & August 2022 - November 2022
  • Developed microservices SaaS with 40+ services, with project investment >= $5M, using Spring Boot & MySQL
  • Speeded up database queries by ~40% using Redis and SQL optimization, tackling server response time bottleneck
  • Improved code performance using JMeter and achieved a 100% pass rate in automated testing with JUnit
Title: Software Development Engineer Intern
Company: GDP Labs
Type: Internship
Duration: June 2022 - August 2022
  • Developed HR team reporting and AWS billings automation, reducing ~30% reporting time and incorrect data
  • Enhanced features and performance of an XMPP real-time CS chat app for the 2nd largest bank in Indonesia
  • Migrated large legacy codebase to TypeScript, improving developers' productivity and reducing bugs
Title: Junior Programmer
Company: eComindo
Type: Internship
Duration: Des 2021 - Feb 2021
  • Developed a core library using WebSocket enabling real-time communication for 50+ users in the same socket
  • Revamped UI app by migrating to Bootstrap5 and used advanced UI animations using NextJS and Framer Motion
  • Automated code vulnerability and bug detection for 60+ public collaboration apps using SonarQube and Docker

Other Working Experience

  • Programming Laboratory Assistant
  • Computational Laboratory Assistant
  • Awards

    Name: Runner-Up Hackathon Economic Opportunity Category at Garuda Hacks 2.0
    Level: South-East Asia
    • Garuda Hacks is the biggest hackathon in ASEAN with 600+ participants and dozens of international sponsors.
    • Develop a ready-to-use web application in less than 36 hours intended to be a collaboration platform for open-source projects that solve one of the biggest open-source project problems, hard-to-find contributors
    • Tech Stacks: Next JS, TypeScript, Prisma, GraphQL, PostgreSQL
    Name: Top 5 at Ideathon + Hackathon at Playbox ITTS Season 2
    Level: National
    • Playbox is a national competition with hundreds of participants from many software engineering communities
    • Develop a fully functional, real-time mobile app in less than 4 days intended to innovate on smart mobility for public transportation so that people can order and find out the position of public transportation in real-time
    • Tech Stacks: Flutter, Google Maps and Geolocation API, Firebase real-time database

    Other Awards

  • Wolfram Awards 2022 Recipient
  • Ganesha Karya ITB 2023 Awardee
  • Mahasiswa Berprestasi IF ITB 2023
  • BI Unggulan Scholarship 2022 Awardee
  • Top 8 National KRSBI-B Robotics Competition
  • 3rd Position Internasional RoboCup MSL Scientific Challenge 2021
  • Finalist Competitive Programming Find It 2022
  • Top 10 Hackathon Find IT UGM 2022
  • Top 10 Algobash Code Run Frontend 2022
  • Organizational Experience

    Title: Lead Curriculum
    Duration: September 2022 - May 2023
    Organization: Google Developer Student Club ITB
    Type: National Organization
    • Lead the curriculum team to define material topics for hundreds of students from ITB and other campuses.
    • Communicate with professional speakers to discuss the details of the material and speaker handbook.
    • Give and assess assignments and present software engineering material to hundreds of GDSC members.
    Title: Software Engineer
    Duration: October 2021 - March 2022
    Organization: Internnet Indonesia
    Type: National Organization
    • Work as a backend developer on a web application for internship mentoring registration and CMS.
    • Create various CRUD endpoints, co-design its relational database, and implement unit tests.
    • Tech Stacks: PostgreSQL, DBeaver, Next JS, TypeScripts